News & Views on Systemic Body Odor and Halitosis such as trimethylaminuria TMAU. If you have fecal odors or bowel odors it may be metabolic/systemic

8 March 2018

Sheffield TMAU survey : Old and New Test

Quick update on anecdotal SHEFFIELD TMAU Test Survey.
Aim : To show differences in trends between OLD test (Nigel's pre-2017 test)
and the NEW post-2016 test.

Measurement is umol/mmol creatinine.

Conclusions :

1. TMA is 10-80 times lower for NEW test ??

TRIMETHYLAMINE levels seems to be 10  to nearly 100 times less than the old test, even though they both use GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY as the method.
The reason given so far is that the old test had 'false positives', which means many were told they were positive wrongly.

For whatever reason, the old test was more in line with numbers I would expect to be positive. My suspicion is the new test spots only GENETICALLY SEVERE TMAU cases now, whereas the bulk of us were GENETICALLY MILD or even borderline or 'carriers'.

Paper of concept 1999 : susceptibility of heterozygotes


There's 5 NEW tests in the survey of 22 (viable answers). So apart from the TMA difference trend, it's hard to make other conclusions.
TMAO levels seem similar but slightly lower. Does not have the huge variance where the OLD test had TMAO levels in the 100's. It looks like none will be over 100 in NEW test.

The 2 above comments are to do with the MACHINE METHOD ; not the 2nd part, the reference range.

Anyone can take part in the survey if their TMAU urine test was done at SHEFFIELD CHILDRENS HOSPITAL.
This would be anyone who has tested on the NHS.

AIM : To show difference in patterns of OLD and NEW TMAU test.

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TMAU Stories

systemic BO/halitosis important links

MEBO Research malodor study 2016


FMO3 reference

Blog Archive

TMAU/FMO3 research

Systemic Body Odor links

email :

Do you have systemic body odor ?

FMO3 Survey Form

FMO3 DNA test result survey
for those who have FMO3 DNA tested
survey still OPEN

TMA blocker pill (links)

P&G - Cleveland press release aug 2015
1st mention of 'DMB pill' dec 2015
FMO3 DNA testing
Update Aug 17 :
Genos is back with it's EXOME test

Note :
Exome/Genome testing may be better option than single gene testing.

See this post : link

Note : Genos Exome Testing.

Exome testing is almost the same price now as single gene testing. Also Genos is consumer friendly, which standard DNA labs are not.

So the blog offer to test solely for FMO3 is almost obsolete, and so no longer offered.

Does Genos fully sequence FMO3 gene ?

At the moment it is not clear, but hoped this will become clear over the next few months

Note : possible 'wild west' way of testing FMO3
Use an ancestry dna site and rummage through the raw data

TMAU Webinar #5 : Preti et al