Holistic Therapist asked by a viewer if candida may cause his FECAL BODY ODOR
I don't agree much with the conclusions of this Holistic Therapist, but it's good to see 'Fecal Body Odor' getting a bit of publicity.
Fecal Body Odor is the term most of us identify with in practice. In truth I think it's worse than that, with a spectrum of sulfides not just limited to feces. So it could range from :
rotten eggs,
boiled cabbage,
dog doo,
all depending which sulfides are most abundant at any time.
Candida dysbiosis :
When people talk of candida they mean CANDIDA OVERGROWTH IN THE GUT.
It does not mean candida in your bloodstream, which would mean you are near death, maybe have final stage aids or pneumonia in your 90's. It means your immune system is whacked.
So we mean candida overgrowth in the gut.
Do I think candida overgrowth could cause 'fecal body odor' ?
I do suspect it could be part of the 'syndrome'.
BUT ... 99.99% of people with candida overgrowth do not have 'fecal body odor'.
So I think FBO is often a SYNDROME, with the main factor being sub-par FMO3.
FMO3 Theory (by me) :
SUB PAR FMO3 -- means prone to gut dysbiosis -- bigger sulfide loads
What type of dysbiosis in FBO ?
I don't know.
Some thoughts :
just general dysbiosis, possibly mainly candida
a particular 'FBO' dysbiosis,
FMO3 function %
I think most people are probably around the 80%-100% FMO3 function range, with their enzyme fluctuating due to pressure from genetic weakness.
This makes most people 'mild' genetic cases and probably TRANSIENT cases.
In summary :
I think people with FBO often have gut dysbiosis as part of the syndrome, but the main factor is sub-par FMO3 function. But getting rid of the dysbiosis may be enough.
Candida is a good candidate as the main dysbiosis cause, but it could be other things.
The above is speculation by me.
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