It seems that PPC plays an important role in protecting the intestine lining.
Why would this be of interest for Systemic Body Odor ?
1. A lot of people with 'fecal body odor' / TMAU report of suspecting they have LEAKY GUT (where the gut lining is not acting as a fine sieve as it should, instead the sieve having holes and letting through bigger things to the bloodstream).
Whether there is a connection between 'leaky gut' and 'FBO' is not known, though it seems very possible.
However, it seems most people with leaky gut do not have FBO (i.e. FBO people will be a small % of total leaky gut people),
so perhaps it is part of a FBO syndrome symptom for people prone to FBO (i.e. probably a FMO3 fault being the main reason for ending up in the syndrome).
2. PPC is a form of choline.
A speculation is that TMAU-prone people are naturally deficient in choline.
The 2 scenarios would be :
1 eats lots of choline ... choline is altered to tma by gut microbes ....
result : lack of choline for the gut lining and for the bloodstream.
2 diagnosed and avoids choline .... not enough choline.
How much consensus does the Ulcer Colitis - PPC theory have ?
There's not many papers on it, and it seems it may be just one of those theories that has been suggested but not made it to mainstream. So in effect nobody knows.
Links of interest about the theory
Nestle have patented a PPC product in 2016
(the big pharmas patenting 'natural' things is often a sign where the advertising for the industry will go) : Nestle PPC product.
note : when pharmas patent a natural product, they seem to have to do something to it to make it not just the natural product ... i.e. bundle it with a combo of things to make it 'unique'.
Dr Myhill has mentioned the UC-PPC theory on her site.
Dr Myhill link
Dr Myhill is an open-minded UK GP who the GMC tried to strike off. She is aware of gut candidiasis, leaky gut etc.
Random pubmed paper on the UC-PPC theory : link
Final comment
It's interesting a theoretical connection to UC-PPC has been made, and perhaps there is a connection for FBO people too.
But for now, we don't know but can follow up.
Acronyms :
FBO : Fecal Body Odor
UC : Ulcerative Colitis
PPC : Phosphatidylcholine
Reason for posting (FBO connection) :
If people with FBO tend to have 'leaky gut', perhaps it's due to the gut microbes eating the choline and creating a lack of PPC for the gut lining (probably mostly the colon).
Example : gut microbes in the small intestine ... get first go at diet choline ... lack of PPC reaches the colon.
Best ways to get PPC :
1. Pure(?) PPC (expensive).
2. Lecithin. About 1/3 PPC ? But also contains normal choline ?
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