Could LOW PLASMA CHOLINE cause the smells associated with FMO3 enzyme ?
For now it's a spurious idea, but I wonder if the smells associated with FMO3 enzyme weakness/overload might be caused by a LOW PLASMA CHOLINE level.
Probably not, but something to think about.
How could the person have low plasma choline ?
The gut bacteria break down the choline in the gut before it can be absorbed into the bloodstream.
Some things choline plays a role in :
Seems to play a role in brain function.
Deficiency seems to be associated with Fatty Liver.
It seems it is a main part of the mucus in the colon that protects the gut.
Is any test lab bothered about Choline ?
It seems not.
So far, no lab testing choline plasma level can be found.
The health-system ignores choline testing.
So for now, this is a very speculative idea.
But a guess would be that even if not connected to smelling, 'TMAU' cases may be naturally prone to a choline plasma deficiency.
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