News & Views on Systemic Body Odor and Halitosis such as trimethylaminuria TMAU. If you have fecal odors or bowel odors it may be metabolic/systemic

22 September 2017

Bus Ad Campaign idea : BO ? Test for TMAU

A quickfire high profile outdoor ad campaign seems a good impact/cost ratio.

Examples :
Side ad on a bus going through central city for 4 weeks.
(e.g. London, New York).
Ad at a main subway station for 4 weeks.

Prices for these don't seem too high (e.g. $1000 for 4 weeks ?).

Thinking of a subject for a systemic odor ad can be awkward as :
1. No volunteer faces for the ad (for obvious reasons).
2. Got to get most impact from a few words.

An idea is perhaps to base it around advising people to test for TMAU.
This would give potential 'sufferers' direction, and raise awareness of TMAU.

So something like :
BO ? Test for TMAU

My own view is that for 'FMO3 body odor', there might be perhaps 1% population 'at risk' of 'FMO3 smells' at some point in their lives. This is taking into account the commoness of carrying the 3 main FMO3 'variants' (at codons 158,308, and another).
About 20-40% of whites are estimated to carry 158 variant and it changes the base.
My view is that perhaps many have a combo of variants which like carrying little injuries can compound and maybe put them at risk of smelling at times.

Say it was 1%, then these people would fit different categories :
1. Genetic severe are very rare (as we are taught).
2. Transient (minor genetic faults) will make the bulk.
3. Some will never know they smell (or care).
4.  Some will know of TMAU and test etc, or identify with the concept 'systemic body odor'.

5. A lot of this 1% will know that there is something wrong with them, but won't know of TMAU ore the concept etc. This would be the 'sufferer' target of the ad campaign.

More testers means more pressure on health system, and hopefully more health-system work to organize help for 'BO'.

The other main aim is to raise awareness and get into the public domain the idea if someone has BO they should test for TMAU.

This is a floated idea to think about.

Current situation for TMAU people :
Health system decision-makers doesn't care. (consultants, labs etc).
Politicians not heard of it nor care.
P&G 'tmao pill' will probably be am excellent therapy but could take years to reach market.

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TMAU Stories

systemic BO/halitosis important links

MEBO Research malodor study 2016


FMO3 reference

Blog Archive

TMAU/FMO3 research

Systemic Body Odor links

email :

Do you have systemic body odor ?

FMO3 Survey Form

FMO3 DNA test result survey
for those who have FMO3 DNA tested
survey still OPEN

TMA blocker pill (links)

P&G - Cleveland press release aug 2015
1st mention of 'DMB pill' dec 2015
FMO3 DNA testing
Update Aug 17 :
Genos is back with it's EXOME test

Note :
Exome/Genome testing may be better option than single gene testing.

See this post : link

Note : Genos Exome Testing.

Exome testing is almost the same price now as single gene testing. Also Genos is consumer friendly, which standard DNA labs are not.

So the blog offer to test solely for FMO3 is almost obsolete, and so no longer offered.

Does Genos fully sequence FMO3 gene ?

At the moment it is not clear, but hoped this will become clear over the next few months

Note : possible 'wild west' way of testing FMO3
Use an ancestry dna site and rummage through the raw data

TMAU Webinar #5 : Preti et al