Program title : Medical Mysteries, The woman who smells of fish.
Aired March 2016.
The video (youtube) can be seen below
Note : due to copyright, this copy is blocked for UK viewers.
Update : Video now seems to be viewable in UK.
UK viewers, you can watch video copy on Daily Motion
My comment :
Cassie done a great job on the show. The TMAU story was only about 8 minutes of a 50 minute program, but a few things make me think 'TMAU' may be a 'seller' when it comes to these types of programs ('weird' health disorders):
1. It was the first show of a new program and they named it 'the woman who smells of fish'
2. The production company 'Tigress productions' have done a TMAU documentary before and may have got a lot of feedback previously.
3. The program was mostly about the other 2 stories (20 minutes each ?) but was named about 'smelling of fish'. So even though it seemed to have last priority it was used as the 'bait'.
4. My understanding is that 'woman who smells of fish' was trending on twitter UK in some areas when it was aired.
5. The show got a reasonably 'peak viewing' time (Thursday 8pm)
Dr Lachmann appeared on the show (as producers tend to go for him as the 'health professional expert', partly since there are so few I guess) and made some good points :
1. Most do not smell when seeing him. He said it was because they probably already do a lot of stuff to avoid smelling but imho it's because most of us are naturally very 'transient'.
2. Most complain of fecal and garbage smells. I guess he said this due to it being by far the most common complaint. IMHO it's because they will smell of many sulfides and amines oxidized by FMO3, but at the moment no expert would be prepared to say that or maybe even believe it.
3. One or 2 visit him a week. I presume he means new referrals (?) but maybe not. And this is only the ones in the area eligible to visit him, as well as taking the time to find out about him and follow it up via their GP.
He made a few other points such as 'it's rare' (which I don't agree with) and Drs mostly know nothing about it (true).
Video has 2,600 views in 1 day
I uploaded the video yesterday and despite being blocked in UK it has had 2,600 views in 24 hours. My best video before this was Claire's video which has 75k views since 2010. For some reason it seems to have caught on in a way the other videos haven't, seemingly to a wider audience (relatively). Currently I don't know where the main sources of the traffic is coming from. I wouldn't say it's went 'viral' but it's getting a good steady flow of viewers (will keep you updated).
So thanks to Cassie for doing the show. It's looking like it will be a great source to raise awareness of TMAU which is very much needed.
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