rareconnect.org webinar
Monday 8 June
6pm Paris time
Webinar title :
Synthetic Biology and Microbiome Engineering approaches for Trimethylaminuria (TMAU)
Guest Speaker :
Jake Wintermute, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher
Paris Descartes University
in the rareconnect.org Webinar Room : click here
to check your local time : google '6pm Paris time'
in the rareconnect.org Webinar Room : click here
to check your local time : google '6pm Paris time'
Jake is a biologist at the Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires in Paris. In the summer of 2014, Jake challenged a team of undergraduates to use genetic engineering to improve human health and well being. The result was "The Smell of Us," a collection of new biotechnologies to control body odors by engineering the bacteria that live on human skin. The team's work was awarded prizes for "Best New Application" and "Best Art and Design" in an international genetic engineering competition can be seen online (http://2014.igem.org/Team:Paris_Bettencourt).
In this webinar, Jake will discuss his group's work-in-progress on TMAU. The primary pathology of TMAU is the appearance of trimethylamine (TMA) in the sweat. Many microbes are capable of metabolically neutralizing TMA, including some that occur naturally on human skin. Genetic modification may enhance this ability, creating microbial products to attenuate the symptoms of TMAU. Jake will discuss his scientific progress and the specific challenges of developing a genetically modified organism for human use.
Link : TMAU project for IGEM 2014
Webinar will be free and recorded
rareconnect.org Webinar Room
My own comment :
This is a realistic potential therapy for 'FMO3 malodor' on the skin. It would be better if it could result in 'internal solutions' such as a probiotic that would oxidize FMO3 substrates before being absorbed into the bloodstream, but because the microbe need an oxygen rich environment they would not survive in the gut. But who knows, maybe one day. So skin products with these microbes is a decent 'bandaid' and supposedly cheap and easy to make. Unfortunately it needs lots of funding to create such a product, as no doubt Jake will explain. It should be a great webinar. Don't miss it (but it will be recorded and put on youtube).
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Don't get me wrong I'm happy there's any research at all going on. However, a topical treatment isn't really a viable option. We all know with a systemic odor it comes from breath, hair, just a basic gas cloud around us. This might neutralize sweat on the skin, but like you said only an internal treatment will be of help.
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