News & Views on Systemic Body Odor and Halitosis such as trimethylaminuria TMAU. If you have fecal odors or bowel odors it may be metabolic/systemic

5 December 2014

Female hormone estradiol shown to inhibit FMO3

Post about : Italian researchers proving that the main female sex hormone,  17β-Estradiol, does inhibit FMO3 levels 'in vitro' human DNA/RNA testing.

In 2007 a paper was published where adult females who menstruate who have a TMAU diagnosis were TMAU tested daily over 120 days to check their TMA/TMAO fluctuations. It found that some tend to have a much lower ability to oxidize TMA during menstruation.

Now a group of researchers in Italy have checked out the DNA/RNA capabilities of human FMO3 'in vivo' to see if a few steroid hormones did affect FMO3 levels. It seems they found that the main female sex hormone  17β-Estradiol did inhibit FMO3 production. Other hormones they tested did not seem to affect FMO3 production.

Quote :
Dexamethasone, 5α-dihydrotestosterone, thyroid hormone, and progesterone had no effect on the accumulation of Fmo3 mRNA. The use of increased concentration of theophylline inhibited estrogen receptor α (ERα)-mediated transcription of Fmo3 mRNA. 17β-Estradiol inhibited Fmo3 mRNA accumulation.
So it seems now the menstruation-FMO3 inhibition link has been 'explained'. I am not sure if this explanation will now be accepted by all or if it is just one possible explanation. Possibly since it is DNA research it will likely be accepted by all.

New Paper :
Regulation of flavin-containing mono-oxygenase (Fmo3) gene expression by steroids in mice and humans. : Pubmed Abstract link

2007 paper :
Transient trimethylaminuria related to menstruation : link to Full paper

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Anonymous said...

What a good information!Thank you:)

tom said...

hello I have seen some research what shows, DHT to reduce it by 90 percent . the fm03 enzyme

tom said...

ive read that DHt hormone reduced the fm03 enzyme by 90 percent.

re Email sub service : Google is stopping this service JULY 21 new post emails will no longer happen

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systemic BO/halitosis important links

MEBO Research malodor study 2016


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FMO3 Survey Form

FMO3 DNA test result survey
for those who have FMO3 DNA tested
survey still OPEN

TMA blocker pill (links)

P&G - Cleveland press release aug 2015
1st mention of 'DMB pill' dec 2015
FMO3 DNA testing
Update Aug 17 :
Genos is back with it's EXOME test

Note :
Exome/Genome testing may be better option than single gene testing.

See this post : link

Note : Genos Exome Testing.

Exome testing is almost the same price now as single gene testing. Also Genos is consumer friendly, which standard DNA labs are not.

So the blog offer to test solely for FMO3 is almost obsolete, and so no longer offered.

Does Genos fully sequence FMO3 gene ?

At the moment it is not clear, but hoped this will become clear over the next few months

Note : possible 'wild west' way of testing FMO3
Use an ancestry dna site and rummage through the raw data

TMAU Webinar #5 : Preti et al