News & Views on Systemic Body Odor and Halitosis such as trimethylaminuria TMAU. If you have fecal odors or bowel odors it may be metabolic/systemic

5 March 2017

TMAU : Choline status should be tested

TMAU test protocol.
Add CHOLINE status as part of a 'TMAU profile screen'. 
Who to campaign to : National Health Systems.
My hope of success : currently about 5% ?

Currently those who think they have TMAU (trimethylaminuria) do the TMAU clinical test (the urine test). This tests levels of trimethylamine and it's oxide (TMAO).

It is known that choline is closely associated with TMAU. The theory is choline gets changed to TMA in the gut. This makes me wonder if TMAU people may often have a natural blood choline deficiency despite taking choline.

Choline currently seems to have a quasi status as an essential nutrient, Probably in time it will be regarded essential. It seems to be a good emulsifier of fats in the liver. This makes me wonder if TMAU people may be naturally prone to non-alcoholic fatty liver.

Many 'normal' people have NAFL, but it would be interesting to see what the % was in TMAU people. Maybe it will turn out low choline plasma is a cause.

Targeted TMAU profiles tests :
So my first 3 tests for a TMAU profile test would be :
TMAU urine test (I would do DNA test as well).
Choline plasma test.
Liver ultrascan (to look for NA- fatty liver)

Other speculative tests I can think of  (quickly written) :

Very speculative other tests for a TMAU profile :
Leaky gut test.
Ethanol test (to detect candida). Now no longer available (from Biolab UK).
Microbiome stool DNA test.
Biotin test (as I was once deficient in biotin).

I would add many others, but perhaps the first 3 are a realistic aim to convince conservative metabolic consultant for a TMAU profile.

Re ethanol test.
This was a test done by Biolab UK where you had to attend the lab. Ethanol is proposed as being generated only by yeast in humans.
I see now they have discontinued it, and refer people to do microbe organic test by Great Plains, which I don't think is as accurate (or at least, not a decade ago).  

Ultimate biochemical test for Systemic Body Odor :
A broad screen of volatiles known to cause systemic body odor. Currently they don't know the list of volatiles, so at this time this would be EXPLORATORY.
Once it was known what volatiles cause systemic body odor, they could then create a profile test with these volatiles.
Likely suspect volatiles (my guess) : dimethylsulfide, dimethyldisulfide, trimethylamine (small player).

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TMAU Stories

systemic BO/halitosis important links

MEBO Research malodor study 2016


FMO3 reference

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TMAU/FMO3 research

Systemic Body Odor links

email :

Do you have systemic body odor ?

FMO3 Survey Form

FMO3 DNA test result survey
for those who have FMO3 DNA tested
survey still OPEN

TMA blocker pill (links)

P&G - Cleveland press release aug 2015
1st mention of 'DMB pill' dec 2015
FMO3 DNA testing
Update Aug 17 :
Genos is back with it's EXOME test

Note :
Exome/Genome testing may be better option than single gene testing.

See this post : link

Note : Genos Exome Testing.

Exome testing is almost the same price now as single gene testing. Also Genos is consumer friendly, which standard DNA labs are not.

So the blog offer to test solely for FMO3 is almost obsolete, and so no longer offered.

Does Genos fully sequence FMO3 gene ?

At the moment it is not clear, but hoped this will become clear over the next few months

Note : possible 'wild west' way of testing FMO3
Use an ancestry dna site and rummage through the raw data

TMAU Webinar #5 : Preti et al