News & Views on Systemic Body Odor and Halitosis such as trimethylaminuria TMAU. If you have fecal odors or bowel odors it may be metabolic/systemic

19 July 2015

Study : TMAO and Inflammatory Bowel Disease link

tmao and tmau
A new study suggests that trimethylamine-n-oxide may be a biomarker of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. It also suggested a possible biomarker connection with 'active' Ulcerative Colitis. In both cases it was suggested that in these cases the TMAO levels were lower in these disorders compared to normal people.

The study was carried out by a hospital in London Ontario. They measured the TMAO plasma levels in 479 subjects, 106 of who had IBD.

Link to abstract :  Trimethylamine-N -oxide: A Novel Biomarker for the Identification of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Why the interest in TMAO ?
Probably the research interest in what TMAO has to do with health is because of the Hazen et al paper about 4 years ago that suggested a link with high TMAO levels and atherosclerosis, perhaps suggesting a link between the 2, or TMAO being a biomarker at least. Since then there have been various papers testing TMAO with health conditions. I believe there was a paper suggesting a link with diabetes.

Study in context :
It should be said that these type of studies are floated initially, and then over time they are either accepted as the consensus or not. A bit like climate change can still be argued against.  So one study is unlikely to make the whole health community accept it as fact.

What's this to do with systemic/metabolic malodors ?    
It is my own current belief that FMO3 enzyme is repsonsible for most cases of 'metabolic/systemic malodor', as it oxidizes many sulfides and amines. Currently only trimethylamine is the only volatile documented as causing metabolic malodor, and TMA should be oxidized to TMAO by FMO3. So anything to do with TMA/TMAO/FMO3 is of interest to me. If the health system is interested in TMAO then it will hopefully lead to further research into TMA/TMAO/FMO3, which have all been largely ignored.

Also many in the metabolic/systemic malodor community report of having vague/acute 'gut dysbiosis' type problems such as 'irritable bowel syndrome'. I believe there is a connection with FMO3 and it may be part of a metabolic maldor 'syndrome'.  

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MEBO Research malodor study 2016


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Do you have systemic body odor ?

FMO3 Survey Form

FMO3 DNA test result survey
for those who have FMO3 DNA tested
survey still OPEN

TMA blocker pill (links)

P&G - Cleveland press release aug 2015
1st mention of 'DMB pill' dec 2015
FMO3 DNA testing
Update Aug 17 :
Genos is back with it's EXOME test

Note :
Exome/Genome testing may be better option than single gene testing.

See this post : link

Note : Genos Exome Testing.

Exome testing is almost the same price now as single gene testing. Also Genos is consumer friendly, which standard DNA labs are not.

So the blog offer to test solely for FMO3 is almost obsolete, and so no longer offered.

Does Genos fully sequence FMO3 gene ?

At the moment it is not clear, but hoped this will become clear over the next few months

Note : possible 'wild west' way of testing FMO3
Use an ancestry dna site and rummage through the raw data

TMAU Webinar #5 : Preti et al