Effect of Lactobacillus casei Shirota supplementation on trimethylamine-N-oxide levels in patients with metabolic syndrome : Pubmed abstract Link
University of Graz, Austria
Metabolic syndrome
My understanding is that this syndrome is a number of factors that can tend to cause cardiovascular disease (CVD).
What's this to do with Systemic Body Odor ?
My own current view is that most cases of 'systemic body odor' are due to FMO3 substrates. One of these substrates is trimethylamine (TMA). So any research to do with TMA metabolism is of interest to me. Since 2011 a hypothesis was put forward that TMA-oxide may be a biomarker of CVD. This has led to much more interest into TMA/TMAO/FMO3 as before that they were largely ignored by researchers.
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